• Ebook Khởi nghiệp tinh gọn: Phần 1

    Ebook Khởi nghiệp tinh gọn: Phần 1

    Cuốn sách "Khởi nghiệp tinh gọn (The lean startup)" không chỉ nói về cách tạo ra những doanh nghiệp thành công, mà còn bàn đến những điều ta có thể học được từ chúng để cải thiện hiệu quả hầu như trong mọi việc. Khởi nghiệp tinh gọn có thể áp dụng được cho các chương trình của chính phủ, công tác chăm sóc sức khỏe, thậm chí giải quyết các...

     194 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

  • Ebook Khởi nghiệp tinh gọn: Phần 2

    Ebook Khởi nghiệp tinh gọn: Phần 2

    "Khởi nghiệp tinh gọn" là cuốn sách đưa ra những bài học mà tôi muốn mọi doanh nhân khởi nghiệp phải tiếp thu và áp dụng. Không có hướng dẫn nào tốt hơn cuốn sách này trong việc làm tăng khả năng thành công của một công ty khởi nghiệp. Đây là bản lộ trình đổi mới cho thế kỷ XXI. Những ý tưởng trong Khởi nghiệp tinh gọn sẽ giúp tạo ra cuộc...

     132 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

  • Ebook Small animal surgical emergencies (2/E): Part 1

    Ebook Small animal surgical emergencies (2/E): Part 1

    Part 1 book "Small animal surgical emergencies" includes content: Triage and initial stabilization of the emergency small animal surgical patient, operating room nursing tips for emergency surgical procedures, emergency stabilization of the acute abdomen patient, esophageal foreign bodies, gastrointestinal foreign bodies, rectal prolapse, gastric dilatation and volvulus, intestinal volvulus,... and other contents.

     374 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

  • Ebook Small animal surgical emergencies (2/E): Part 2

    Ebook Small animal surgical emergencies (2/E): Part 2

    Part 2 book "Small animal surgical emergencies" includes content: Stabilization techniques for patients with an upper respiratory obstruction, tracheostomy, brachycephalic airway syndrome, laryngeal paralysis, laryngeal trauma, tracheal collapse, stabilization techniques for patients with pleural space disease, diaphragmatic hernia, pyothorax, hemothorax, pneumothorax, lung lobe torsion, surgical approach to the thoracic cavity,... and other...

     407 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

  • Ebook Textbook of veterinary pathology - Quick review and self assessment: Part 1

    Ebook Textbook of veterinary pathology - Quick review and self assessment: Part 1

    Part 1 book "Textbook of veterinary pathology - Quick review and self assessment" includes content: Introduction, etiology, genetic disorders, developmental anomalies and monsters, disturbances in growth, disturbances in circulation, disturbances in cell metabolism, necrosis, gangrene and post mortem changes, disturbances in calcification and pigment metabolism, inflammation and healing, concretions, immunity and immunopathology, pathology of...

     311 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

  • Ebook Textbook of veterinary pathology - Quick review and self assessment: Part 2

    Ebook Textbook of veterinary pathology - Quick review and self assessment: Part 2

    Part 2 book "Textbook of veterinary pathology - Quick review and self assessment" includes content: Viral diseases, bacterial diseases, chlamydial diseases, rickettsial diseases, mycoplasmal diseases, spirochaetal diseases, prion diseases, fungal diseases, parasitic diseases, avian inflammation, pathology of nutritional disorders, viral diseases,... and other contents.

     346 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

  • Ebook The ecology of management accounting and control systems: Implications for managing teams and work groups in complex organizations - Part 1

    Ebook The ecology of management accounting and control systems: Implications for managing teams and work groups in complex organizations - Part 1

    Part 1 of ebook "The ecology of management accounting and control systems: Implications for managing teams and work groups in complex organizations" provides readers with contents including: ecological approaches of organizations; environmental influences on organizational selection and adaptation change strategies; selection and organizational change; adaptation and organizational change;...

     129 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

  • Ebook The ecology of management accounting and control systems: Implications for managing teams and work groups in complex organizations - Part 2

    Ebook The ecology of management accounting and control systems: Implications for managing teams and work groups in complex organizations - Part 2

    Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook "The ecology of management accounting and control systems: Implications for managing teams and work groups in complex organizations" provides readers with contents including: adaptation strategies in management control systems; management control systems and the functional adaptation performance of work teams; conclusion an overview of the implications of the ecology of management accounting and control...

     107 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

  • Ebook An introduction to banking: Liquidity risk and asset-liability management - Part 1

    Ebook An introduction to banking: Liquidity risk and asset-liability management - Part 1

    Part 1 of ebook "An introduction to banking: Liquidity risk and asset-liability management" provides readers with contents including: Chapter 1 - Bank business and capital; Chapter 2 - The money markets; Chapter 3 - The yield curve; Chapter 4 - Introduction to trading and hedging; Chapter 5 - Asset and liability management I;...

     192 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

  • Ebook An introduction to banking: Liquidity risk and asset-liability management - Part 2

    Ebook An introduction to banking: Liquidity risk and asset-liability management - Part 2

    Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook "An introduction to banking: Liquidity risk and asset-liability management" provides readers with contents including: Chapter 6 - Asset and liability management II; Chapter 7 - Asset and liability management III - The alco; Chapter 8 - Bank liquidity risk management; Chapter 9 - A sustainable bank business model - capital, liquidity and leverage; Chapter 10 - Bank regulatory capital;...

     192 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

  • Ebook A new financial market structure for East Asia: Part 1

    Ebook A new financial market structure for East Asia: Part 1

    Part 1 of ebook "A new financial market structure for East Asia" provides readers with contents including: financial liberalization and integration in East Asia; finance and economic development in East Asia; financial liberalization and capital market integration in East Asia; international capital flows and business cycles in the Asia Pacific region;...

     172 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

  • Ebook A new financial market structure for East Asia: Part 2

    Ebook A new financial market structure for East Asia: Part 2

    Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook "A new financial market structure for East Asia" provides readers with contents including: financial centers in East Asia; Tokyo financial market as a financial center in East Asia; recycling Asian savings within the region - The role of Singapore; there-emergence of Shanghai as a financial center in China’s financial system;...

     364 p dhktna 24/04/2024 0 0

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